The construction crew and subcontractors have been working really hard this past month. Thanks to Jason and Alex and their apprentices for all the plumbing and electrical work. Putting a full commercial kitchen into a heritage building involves immense amounts of retrofitting. We are thankful that despite ongoing supply chain issues, our subcontractors have been proactive and resourceful in securing the specialized materials we need for this type of project. While there have been some challenges to be sure, we are currently running just a couple of weeks behind our anticipated time-line.
The back door is extra wide to allow the large commercial kitchen appliances, in particular the six-burner range, to be moved in when the time comes. The rear window is adjacent to the ‘dish pit’ area and we are dreaming of the day it will look out onto a beautiful and vibrant community space in the yard as designed by Petra Hekkenberg, our local public space design expert.

Next up will be insulation of the main operational space as well as the crawl space beneath. Then the drywallers will be in to do their dusty work, and after that the interior space will begin to really look like something!