food hub & Community workspace in New Denver, BC, Canada

Update for potential kitchen users

Although we had optimistically been shooting for a summer opening, we now expect it will be fall before we will be operational. Supply chain issues continue to plague the construction industry, as do difficulties with quickly engaging specialized subcontracting and consulting services.

The exterior of the building is nearly complete thanks to all the work of Laurie and his crew at CDE Enterprises.  All the large kitchen equipment has been ordered and the company is holding it for us; it will be installed once the interior is finished.  We are very happy to have local tradespeople working on the project – Alex Joseph is doing the electrical, Jason Hartley, the plumbing and Joseph Spangler is building our cafe tables.  Petra Hekkenberg has created a design for a beautiful and functional outdoor space that we will be working towards achieving once the renovations are complete and we are operational.  Having the kitchen and pop up cafe/restaurant space up and running is our priority. 

During the spring we held several meetings and did some online outreach to connect with people who had expressed interest in using the kitchen. The input of these future users is informing the development of policies and procedures.  

We are really looking forward to having these talented local food producers and chefs in the space and we believe that our kitchen will serve their creative and entrepreneurial pursuits beautifully.  There is a lot of excitement in the community, especially from those who anticipate being able to go out to eat once again!

